January 6, 2014

This Year I...

I'm back! It feels like it has been FOREVER since I have written up a post for you guys! Everything is slowing down now, so I feel like I can get back on track with this blog and update you all on my trip to Europe! But first, for my first post of 2014 (Happy New Year by the way!!!) it will be a recap of what I did this past year, which was also my first year of blogging (!!!) More on that later. So, to begin…

This year I…
Started this blog! (Best decision I made all year)

Had my last college class, complete with mushroom jeopardy and all. 

Took a trip to the Washington Coast. Part 1, 2, 3 & 4.

And… went to Europe to take my brothers wedding pictures! Official post on that coming soon! 

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