January 8, 2014

Zermatt, Switzerland

Zermatt, Switzerland was a fairytale. I have been to eight countries in Europe and can say that Switzerland is my favorite. I have to go back to this country again in the spring or summer to take advantage of all of the hiking trails they have there. Zermatt is a cute little town right at the base of the Matterhorn. The Matterhorn is the mountain that inspired the Matterhorn ride at Disneyland. The mountain did not disappoint, the people were so friendly and the hotel we stayed at was perfect. The continental breakfast tables were set with pink table cloths and teacups. It was perfect.
And to top it all off, if you follow me on Instagram, then you saw the picture of the most perfect snowflake you will ever see. We rode the Gornergrat-Bahn railway, the highest open-air railway in Europe, to the summit of Gornergrat (pictured above), where they have an observatory, hotel and restaurant. While we couldn't see anything around us because of the clouds, (we would have been able to see 20 4000 meter peaks all around us) we experienced multiple perfect snowflakes falling from the sky. You guys, the intricate drawings and cut-outs of snowflakes that you often see do not just come from imagination. Those are real! Intricate snowflakes are real. It was unbelievable. 

Zermatt was a complete dream. Looking at these pictures makes me miss it so much. I cannot say 
enough good things about it and I cannot wait to go back! 


  1. This place looks amazing!! I want to go to Europe someday. Switzerland was never on my list of places, but now I'll have to add it! I'd love to see perfect snowflakes! Ugh, that mountain is so picturesque.

  2. Gorgeous! What a trip of a lifetime!

  3. What a wonderful place! Wow! I love those pictures especially the one with the snowflake- I never saw a snowflake like that on someones face, so cool :)


  4. Gorgeous photos! I would really like to travel to Switzerland.
