March 26, 2013

Spring Has Arrived || Snapshots

Today was the unofficial first day of Spring here in Pullman. It was so nice here and supposed to get nicer! (!!!!!) After class, I came home put on some shorts and sat on my deck to do my homework. Probably the first time all year I've sat out there. And since my feet will most likely be seeing more sunlight these days, it was time to paint the toes. They don't get painted all fall or winter. I just really don't like painting my nails, but I can't stand the way they look without it. And see in the background of the mirror picture, my blinds are open all the way letting the sun in. Finally. I know my plants are happy and my sunnies will come into use now. Yay! Hopefully I will be incorporating more snapshots like these into this little blog. I really want to make that a goal of mine, to capture the little things in life. Guess I need to carry my camera around more. Hope you all had a lovely day!

March 20, 2013

Happy Spring!

Supposedly it's Spring? Wouldn't know it here. I was welcomed back from Spring Break with a brief snow storm...more like blizzard. Almost had to put chains on my tires to get over the pass, thankfully I waited long enough to where only traction tires where needed. Got out of that one.
Thought it was fitting to wear this neon pink sweater for the first day of Spring. I would have really liked to wear a dress to commemorate this day but the wind here would NOT have allowed that. To risky. It's time to warm up now Washington. That would be great.
Outfit Details
Chambray Shirt || Walmart
Pink Sweater and Jeans || Target
Scarf || Burlington Coat Factory
Boots || Steve Madden

March 15, 2013

PNW Rain

If you follow me on Facebook, you would know yesterday that the rain was getting in the way when it came to taking pictures. Luckily it stopped, I got my pictures. And right after that my mom and I made a trip to the mall, where I picked up an umbrella. I'm really excited to start using it! Now I just need a pair of rain boots. I've been doing a lot of spring shopping while I've been home for spring break. I can't wait to start styling it all and show you! This dress I got earlier this week, and I knew it needed to be photographed in the woods with a dark green background, so the light colors in this outfit could really pop. This spot is going to be a favorite this summer for taking pictures. I've said it before but I'll say it again, I love the PNW.
Outfit Details
Dress || Burlington Coat  Factory
Shirt || 11 Eureka
Tights, Belt and Boots || Target
Necklaces || Old Anthropologie and Disneyland
|| Linking up Style Elixir ||

March 14, 2013

Follow Pretty Lovely on Bloglovin'

If you haven't heard already, Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st. This would be a good time to follow Pretty Lovely on Bloglovin so you don't miss anything that goes on around here! And don't forget you can also follow PL on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!

March 12, 2013

A Weekend for the Books

I made the drive home from school last Thursday for the beginning of Spring Break. Saturday we had a party for my oldest brother who turned 30. It was the first time my three brothers and I were all home at the same time in a very long time. We all live so far away from each other so anytime we are all together is a weekend for the books. We played some games and had many the laughs. I am going to say that my family needs to have more parties, they are always so fun and too short.
I also got my hair done yesterday by my cousin, Paige. She did such a good job and I absolutely love it. You may or may not tell, but it is a blonde ombre. She lightened up my roots and made the tips brighter. If you live in the Everett, Washington area and are looking for someone to do your hair for an event, contact her. She does amazing work. You can see some of it on her instagram. Thanks Paige!
Outfit Details
Jacket || Nordstrom
Shirt || Lauren Conrad via Kohls
Sweater || Forever 21
Pants || Old Navy
Shoes || Target
Necklace || Forever 21
Linking up with Style Elixir, The Pleated Poppy, Rolled Up Pretty, Tucker Up, Peacoats and Plaid

March 8, 2013

DIY Earring Holder

Happy Friday! I've got a quick and easy DIY for you today. Now this is not a new concept by any means, but I've found myself acquiring a lot of earrings lately and needed a place to keep them, so I whipped this up real quick one afternoon and wanted to share it with you. The best part about this was that I didn't have to buy anything for it!

You'll need an embroidery hoop, a variety of ribbon, scissors and a glue gun.
1. Cut the ribbon to the width of your embroidery hoop. 2. Glue the edges of the ribbon to the small hoop. 3. Put the adjustable hoop back on. Complete! You got yourself a new earring holder!
What I like about the ribbon instead of one piece of fabric is that you don't have to reach all the way behind the hoop to undo the earring backs. You can just reach behind that one piece of ribbon. Much easier.

 Hope you have a lovely day today!

March 6, 2013


Comfy is good. Sometimes its nice just to wear a big comfy sweater and comfortable shoes and not have to worry if your dress is being tame in the wind. I like comfy. A lot.
Outfit Details
Sweater || Forever 21
Jacket || Nordstrom
Jeans || Target
Shoes || Toms
|| Linking up with WIWW ||

March 4, 2013

The Future

The end of the year is approaching, quite swiftly actually. Spring break is next week. I'm graduating college in May. The number one question I get asked along with every other graduating student out there, "What do you have planned after college?" I really really dislike that question. Maybe I would like it more if my answer were, "I'm going to travel the world for the next couple of months." That would be my dream. But who's got money to do that after five years in college? I certainly don't. So now I must get my resume in tip top shape and get a job. I get sick just thinking about it. Can I just travel and go on adventures?
Dress || Modcloth
Sweater || H&M
Belt & Shoes || Target
Tights & Necklace || Old  
|| Linking up with Style Elixir ||

March 1, 2013

March Wishlist

Happy March everyone! I am so glad it is Friday. I had two tests this morning, one right after the other. One of them went good, the other... could have gone better. Let's just say I am not a big fan of Soils classes, definitely not my strong point. Anyway now that those two tests are done and out of the way, it is smooth sailing into Spring Break, which is the week after next. So close!
On to my wish list. Rain boots. A necessity for the PNW. I had a pair, left them out in the sun, now they are cracked and faded. If anybody knows of a way to remedy this, please don't be shy, I would love to hear it. Bow belts are becoming a bit of an obsession and I am loving this one from Ruche. I have been wanting a white lace dress for the longest time and Modcloth doesn't disappoint with this recent one. And look at this owl pillow! I can't resist! These two prints from Oana Befort and Katie Daisy are so perfect. And lastly, washi tape. I need to get my hands on some soon. I have so many pictures I need to scrapbook from a trip to Europe last summer. With Spring Break coming up, perfect time to do that. Just can't wait to get these pictures printed out!

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