March 1, 2013

March Wishlist

Happy March everyone! I am so glad it is Friday. I had two tests this morning, one right after the other. One of them went good, the other... could have gone better. Let's just say I am not a big fan of Soils classes, definitely not my strong point. Anyway now that those two tests are done and out of the way, it is smooth sailing into Spring Break, which is the week after next. So close!
On to my wish list. Rain boots. A necessity for the PNW. I had a pair, left them out in the sun, now they are cracked and faded. If anybody knows of a way to remedy this, please don't be shy, I would love to hear it. Bow belts are becoming a bit of an obsession and I am loving this one from Ruche. I have been wanting a white lace dress for the longest time and Modcloth doesn't disappoint with this recent one. And look at this owl pillow! I can't resist! These two prints from Oana Befort and Katie Daisy are so perfect. And lastly, washi tape. I need to get my hands on some soon. I have so many pictures I need to scrapbook from a trip to Europe last summer. With Spring Break coming up, perfect time to do that. Just can't wait to get these pictures printed out!

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1 comment:

  1. ruche is my favorite! and that dress is to die for, you're totally making me crave spring and it's oh so close! xo
