March 26, 2013

Spring Has Arrived || Snapshots

Today was the unofficial first day of Spring here in Pullman. It was so nice here and supposed to get nicer! (!!!!!) After class, I came home put on some shorts and sat on my deck to do my homework. Probably the first time all year I've sat out there. And since my feet will most likely be seeing more sunlight these days, it was time to paint the toes. They don't get painted all fall or winter. I just really don't like painting my nails, but I can't stand the way they look without it. And see in the background of the mirror picture, my blinds are open all the way letting the sun in. Finally. I know my plants are happy and my sunnies will come into use now. Yay! Hopefully I will be incorporating more snapshots like these into this little blog. I really want to make that a goal of mine, to capture the little things in life. Guess I need to carry my camera around more. Hope you all had a lovely day!


  1. Yay for spring! Its weird because its felt springy here in Florida all year so far, until this week. Suddenly we're having 60 degree weather and every one is crying that they're freezing haha :D
    I need to start carrying around my camera more, too! Its tough remembering to, though!

  2. great photos! So glad spring is here!

  3. I am so jealous spring has arrived for you! I am not sure if SF has seasons. I think we just have that a season? Also, love the mint green toes! Very cute!

  4. ahhh! This is so spring-y I can't help but smile

  5. These photos are perfect, I am so jealous of how sunny it looks xo
