March 4, 2013

The Future

The end of the year is approaching, quite swiftly actually. Spring break is next week. I'm graduating college in May. The number one question I get asked along with every other graduating student out there, "What do you have planned after college?" I really really dislike that question. Maybe I would like it more if my answer were, "I'm going to travel the world for the next couple of months." That would be my dream. But who's got money to do that after five years in college? I certainly don't. So now I must get my resume in tip top shape and get a job. I get sick just thinking about it. Can I just travel and go on adventures?
Dress || Modcloth
Sweater || H&M
Belt & Shoes || Target
Tights & Necklace || Old  
|| Linking up with Style Elixir ||


  1. Gorgeous look! I would wear this.

    I'm also graduating in May. It's coming as a shock...I haven't even started applying for jobs yet. eep

    <3 Melissa

  2. Very cute outfit! I never went to college but I can understand your feelings towards the "what are you going to do with your life?" type questions. I love your style, it's simple and very cute. I nominated you for the Very Inspiring blogger award because you inspire me to believe that my sense of style doesn't have to be extravagant to be admired. Thank you! You can check out the nomination by clicking here)

  3. I love this springy look! I'm graduating in May too. I like to think I've got a plan, but there is still so much uncertainty about what I'm going to do after graduation. It's frightening!

    Care to follow each other? :)


  4. Hi Jordyn! Thanks for visiting my blog and following! Love your super cute outfit. I'm following back :)

    Style Diary

  5. beautiful outfit!! i love the shoes. love.

    oh wouldn't it be wonderful to just be able to say, "tomorrow, i'm flying to so and so and then see where it takes me." i guess that only happens in the movies :) life is still good though!!

  6. Such a pretty outfit. I love that dress especially paired with the bright cardi. Too cute!
