December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you have the most lovely day today, full of family and relaxation! 
Outfit Details
Top || TJ Maxx
Skirt || Ever + Mi Crush
Tights || We Love Colors
Shoes || Seychelles
Belt || Target

December 21, 2013

Whimsy Darling || Guest Post

Hello lovely readers! We're Alex and Paige of Whimsy Darling and we're so happy that Jordyn asked us to write on her (pretty lovely) blog. On Whimsy Darling we blog about style, life, food, and DIY ideas of all sorts. Really though, when it comes down to it, we're a pair of best friend bloggers who have a ton of fun making the world a little prettier in our own little ways.
We intended to take these photos at a Christmas tree farm, but apparently all the farms around us are only open on weekends! We actually just ran around in Alex's parent's backyard. It looks just as "Christmas card perfect" as any tree farm to me! DSC_0751 Alex and I both grew up as "Northern" girls, living outside of the big city in the Canadian countryside. Our family homes are the best places for Christmas gatherings as they are nestled in the snowy woods. Since Alex has moved to Toronto (the big city), we really appreciate these moments where we can wander around in the trees and play in the snow like the goofballs we are. DSC_0745 
Alex is wearing: Jacket- H&M, Boots- Thrifted, Tights- Forever 21, Dress- Dear Creatures, Scarf- H&M, Mitts- Gift, Hat- H&MDSC_0635 With the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking (etc, etc), we're really happy that things are starting to slow down so that we can start to simply ENJOY the holidays. That's what they're supposed to be about right? Some fun holiday traditions we've been keen on keeping up includes curling up by the fire, putting on a holiday film, and concocting some festive drinks while we giggle like the crazy people we are. DSC_0671DSC_0621DSC_0647 Paige is wearing: Jacket-Neon Buddha, Scarf-Similar, Mitts-Gap, Headband-homemade, Shirt-Golden Valley Boutique, Boots- Land's End DSC_0654 Thanks again to Jordyn for hosting us! We hope we've inspired you to stop by Whimsy Darling (and that we become kindred spirit type friends in the near future). For now, a very Happy Holidays to you all! love love love, Paige (& Alex)

December 16, 2013


Making: a scarf on a knitting loom. It is taking entirely too long. Maybe I should work on it more.
Drinking: Apple juice. I love apple juice. Yep.
Wanting: Snow! Its been so cold, there just needs to be snow on the ground. Plus, it's pretty!
Playing: Candy Crush. Level 70 is impossible.
Wasting: Time. Always.
Wishing: I was able to watch Netflix AND work on my laptop at the same time, without having to split the screen in half. I don't want to watch Breaking Bad on half the screen. That show deserves full screen privileges.
Enjoying: Home Alone on TV. This movie is so funny, sad and good all at the same time. You could really learn a lot from Kevin.
Liking: REALLY liking the new show Reign on the CW. It is so good and I may be continuing to watch it because of the costumes the girls wear on the show. O. Em. Gee. The most gorgeous wardrobe I have ever seen on a TV show. Seriously if you don't like the storyline, (Kings and Queens and such) then watch it for the dresses. So unbelievably gorgeous.
Wondering: How the wardrobe department can make so many beautiful, unique dresses for that show. Alright I'm done talking about it. But seriously, go watch it.
Loving: One Directions new album. Yes, I am a (huge) One Direction fan. So what?
Hoping: One Directions new movie will be one of the movies available on the plane...
Marveling: At the fact my brother is getting married on Friday. Woah.
Needing: Tomorrow to get here!!
Smelling: My boyfriends new cologne I got him for Christmas. So so so good. Lacoste Pour Homme.
Wearing: So much buffalo plaid. I can't get enough of it this season.
Following: Floral blogs makes me want to be a florist even more. And the fact that so many have blogs is even better.
Noticing: My nails I just painted are already chipped. Great.
Thinking: "I should probably be packing instead of writing this.."
Feeling: Nervous. Excited. Anxious. Curious. You name it, I'm it. I'm going to Europe tomorrow… (!)

I won't be posting on here about my trip until after I am home, so if you want to follow me along on my journey, follow me on Instagram. I'll be posting whenever I can (hence whenever I have wifi). You can find me at @pretty_lovely_blog. While I am away look for some pretty awesome guest posts coming your way!

December 13, 2013

Winter is Here!

It may not be officially winter, but boy winter has arrived. It has been so cold around here lately. But no snow! If its going to be that cold, there might as well be snow on the ground. It looks like there is in these pictures, but this is frost. These were taken at Wintergreen Tree Farm in town. They have the cutest little gift shop tucked inside of a barn filled with ornaments. I went back today to get a couple for my Christmas photos. Be looking for those soon! Christmas is almost here!
My family has never cut down our own tree, but I have ALWAYS wanted to. When I get my own place and Christmas rolls around, you better believe I will be heading to a tree farm to get my own tree. Maybe the idea sounds better in my head than it actually is, but I have to do it at least once. Do you cut your own tree or buy the pre-cut ones? Or go fake? 

Don't forget to enter the giveaway I have going on right now!
Outfit Details
Top || Kohls
Pants || American Eagle
Shoes || Target
Scarf || Forever 21
Photos by Paige

December 8, 2013

Beading By Danielle || Giveaway!

Have you seen the Etsy Shop, Beading By Danielle? She hand makes super cute necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Most of her pieces are one of a kind, so if you see something you like, don't hesitate, because next time you look it might be gone! She is very flexible and very willing to do custom pieces and will work with you to make sure you get exactly what you want! If you find a design you like, but not the colors, let her know and she can make the same piece in a different color.
Now, you can win the bow necklace pictured above! All you have to do is complete the one mandatory entry below, then there are 5 more additional entries to increase your chances! Giveaway will end Dec. 27th. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

December 6, 2013

Black & Brown

Growing up I got it stuck in my mind that wearing black and brown together was a very bad thing. A faux pas. Was that just me or did other people think that too? So I don't know why it looks alright now and not back then. I still feel a little wary wearing this color combo, like it really does look bad and I've just told myself it looks fine. what do you guys think? Do you wear black and brown together or stay far away from it like I used to?
Outfit Details
Jacket || H&M
Shirt || Ross
Skirt || Forever 21
Tights || Target
Shoes || Kohls
Scarf || Handmade

December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Week Festivities

This past week was so good. We had a full house which was the best. My brother, his fiancé and her sister came over on Tuesday and just left today. It was the longest they have been here since they moved down to California. Wednesday is when we celebrated Thanksgiving. We went over to my aunts house for a full Thanksgiving feast. 20 people were there and we all sat at one long table. True Thanksgiving style. This was the outfit I wore. Something festive yet loose and comfortable. I definitely accomplished that I think.
Then Friday my boyfriend came to town for the weekend! That night we went out to dinner on the waterfront to celebrate 3 years. 3 years! I can't believe it has been that long, it definitely doesn't feel like it. I just can't wait until he is done with his masters.
The rest of the weekend was spent shopping, and watching movies. We went and saw Catching Fire and I cannot wait to see it again! It was so good! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend as well! Now I need to focus on getting ready for Europe!
Outfit Details
Dress || Handmade
Sweater || Borrowed from Mom
Tights & Necklace || Forever 21
Shoes & Belt || Target
Photos by Paige