December 13, 2013

Winter is Here!

It may not be officially winter, but boy winter has arrived. It has been so cold around here lately. But no snow! If its going to be that cold, there might as well be snow on the ground. It looks like there is in these pictures, but this is frost. These were taken at Wintergreen Tree Farm in town. They have the cutest little gift shop tucked inside of a barn filled with ornaments. I went back today to get a couple for my Christmas photos. Be looking for those soon! Christmas is almost here!
My family has never cut down our own tree, but I have ALWAYS wanted to. When I get my own place and Christmas rolls around, you better believe I will be heading to a tree farm to get my own tree. Maybe the idea sounds better in my head than it actually is, but I have to do it at least once. Do you cut your own tree or buy the pre-cut ones? Or go fake? 

Don't forget to enter the giveaway I have going on right now!
Outfit Details
Top || Kohls
Pants || American Eagle
Shoes || Target
Scarf || Forever 21
Photos by Paige


  1. Ahh! I am in love with this outfit! I want those boots, but I can't really tell which ones they are. Do you know if they still have them at target? Hope you are doing well, I lobe your blog:)

    1. Thanks Anna!! Its been forever! I just looked at the site and unfortunately they don't have them anymore...

    2. Yeah it has been forever! It looks like you are doing great. I love reading your blog, it's always so interesting. Thanks for checking on the boots, I think I found some on payless shoes, they are even on sale! Woohoo:) Thanks for all the outfit inspiration!

  2. SOOO pretty. I love these pictures and the frosty snow!!

  3. Loving that scarf. It reminds me of my husband's favorite shirt.

  4.'s been SO cold. I always wanted to chop down my own tree as well. I told my dad that I wanted to do it, but he wasn't really into it. I guess I'll have to wait until I get my own place too!

  5. So pretty! Love these pictures and your outfit <3 Alex

  6. you are gorgeous and i love that scarf!


  7. We always buy a real tree (the year that it was suggested we get a fake didn't end well..) but I've never cut one down. I have gone with a friend's family to cut their tree with them, so I guess that counts? It was a ton of fun though, so definitely worth the little day trip!

  8. You look adorable, and so winter-y! Love those boots and the plaid scarf.
