December 16, 2013


Making: a scarf on a knitting loom. It is taking entirely too long. Maybe I should work on it more.
Drinking: Apple juice. I love apple juice. Yep.
Wanting: Snow! Its been so cold, there just needs to be snow on the ground. Plus, it's pretty!
Playing: Candy Crush. Level 70 is impossible.
Wasting: Time. Always.
Wishing: I was able to watch Netflix AND work on my laptop at the same time, without having to split the screen in half. I don't want to watch Breaking Bad on half the screen. That show deserves full screen privileges.
Enjoying: Home Alone on TV. This movie is so funny, sad and good all at the same time. You could really learn a lot from Kevin.
Liking: REALLY liking the new show Reign on the CW. It is so good and I may be continuing to watch it because of the costumes the girls wear on the show. O. Em. Gee. The most gorgeous wardrobe I have ever seen on a TV show. Seriously if you don't like the storyline, (Kings and Queens and such) then watch it for the dresses. So unbelievably gorgeous.
Wondering: How the wardrobe department can make so many beautiful, unique dresses for that show. Alright I'm done talking about it. But seriously, go watch it.
Loving: One Directions new album. Yes, I am a (huge) One Direction fan. So what?
Hoping: One Directions new movie will be one of the movies available on the plane...
Marveling: At the fact my brother is getting married on Friday. Woah.
Needing: Tomorrow to get here!!
Smelling: My boyfriends new cologne I got him for Christmas. So so so good. Lacoste Pour Homme.
Wearing: So much buffalo plaid. I can't get enough of it this season.
Following: Floral blogs makes me want to be a florist even more. And the fact that so many have blogs is even better.
Noticing: My nails I just painted are already chipped. Great.
Thinking: "I should probably be packing instead of writing this.."
Feeling: Nervous. Excited. Anxious. Curious. You name it, I'm it. I'm going to Europe tomorrow… (!)

I won't be posting on here about my trip until after I am home, so if you want to follow me along on my journey, follow me on Instagram. I'll be posting whenever I can (hence whenever I have wifi). You can find me at @pretty_lovely_blog. While I am away look for some pretty awesome guest posts coming your way!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see the finished scarf! I also hope you have an amazing time in europe! Getting to witness my sibling get married was one of the happiest days of my life. There is so much excitement and joy!
