December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Week Festivities

This past week was so good. We had a full house which was the best. My brother, his fiancé and her sister came over on Tuesday and just left today. It was the longest they have been here since they moved down to California. Wednesday is when we celebrated Thanksgiving. We went over to my aunts house for a full Thanksgiving feast. 20 people were there and we all sat at one long table. True Thanksgiving style. This was the outfit I wore. Something festive yet loose and comfortable. I definitely accomplished that I think.
Then Friday my boyfriend came to town for the weekend! That night we went out to dinner on the waterfront to celebrate 3 years. 3 years! I can't believe it has been that long, it definitely doesn't feel like it. I just can't wait until he is done with his masters.
The rest of the weekend was spent shopping, and watching movies. We went and saw Catching Fire and I cannot wait to see it again! It was so good! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend as well! Now I need to focus on getting ready for Europe!
Outfit Details
Dress || Handmade
Sweater || Borrowed from Mom
Tights & Necklace || Forever 21
Shoes & Belt || Target
Photos by Paige


  1. love this outfit! that chunky cardigan is so cute


  2. I love this outfit & I just love your style in general!

  3. I like the warm, cozy colors in your outfit!! Pretty!
    Sincerely, Sara

    P.S. -- I'm having a two year blogiversary giveaway on my blog!

  4. ah, your outfit and this location are perfect! everything about this makes me want to pack my bags and go on a camping trip.

    lindsey louise

  5. Love these shots! You look super cute :)

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly
