July 12, 2013

Co-Hosting Brightside Beauty Blog Hop!

Today I am here to Co-host a blog hop with Meet Me on the Brightside! Add your link below, follow and leave a comment saying hi and I'll be sure to hop right on over to yours!

Meet Me on the Brightside
Happy Thursday Bloggers! The weekend is just about here! Come link up to my Brightside Beauty Blog Hop for a chance to gain new followers and find amazing new reads. Linky list will be open now until this Monday night 11:59 pm, Ohio time. There are only a few guidelines , so read, follow, and let the fun begin. Don't forget to come back every Friday to join the blog hop and enter future giveaways :) The blog this weekend with the most views will win a co-host spot on next weekend's hop so get your network on :)

This weekend's co-host is....

Pretty Lovely

Hop Guidelines
On FB, or GFC, and be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow back!

2. Add your Beauty, Fashion, Style Blog, Blog Post, or FB page link to the linky list below, before list closing on Sunday evening, Ohio time.

3. Visit other blogs on the list, follow at least two other blogs you like, and be sure to leave them a comment so they know to follow back. Please be kind enough to follow back as well.

4. Not mandatory, but if you grab the button and place it in your side bar or somewhere on your blog, tweet, or post about the hop, you can help to increase your co-hosting chances.
Again, the blog that has the most views this week will be my co-host next weekend so make sure to network!


  1. Hey there :)
    Now following you here, nice blog. Feel free to check out mine if you like :)


  2. Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and follow :) I am now following you on GFC. It is always nice to meet new bloggers and stay connected.


  3. Hi :)

    Following you through GFC, Thanks for hosting this blog hop!

    Lizzie's Luxuries

  4. Thanks for the blog hops idea really love it, now following through GFC

  5. I'm so happy I found your blog through Meet Me on the Bright Side's blog hop. Your blog is beautiful and I'm now following you! :)
    I'd love it if you could follow me back:D


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