July 10, 2013

I Saw Bigfoot!

If someone were to visit my blog today for the first time, they would probably think I was crazy. I've got Bigfoot on my header, I'm posing with Bigfoot and Bigfoot is on my shirt. Too much Bigfoot? Never. I first saw Kaylah from The Dainty Squid wearing this shirt and I immediately knew I had to have it. So I ordered it right then and there. I suddenly remembered this statue on Disautel Pass in Eastern Washington. Luckily we were making a trip East for a couple days. Perfect time to take pictures! We took a drive out there yesterday and if you didn't already know the statue was there and saw this as you were driving, you would probably really think it was him for a split second. It sits on top of a hill and you can see it perfectly from the road. So we parked, hiked up the hill and met Bigfoot for the first time!
Lets talk about how awesome this shirt is. Its got all of the mystery creatures on it. Bigfoot, UFOs, the Lochness Monster, Jackalopes and more. And if this shirt couldn't get any better, it glows in the dark. Yep. It glows in the dark.

Outfit Details
Skirt || Target
Belt || Forever 21
Vest || Thrifted/DIY
Shoes || TOMS


  1. Hahah omg I love big foot!!! Guess I will be stealing that shirt as well! We should form a Bigfoot club ;)


  2. I love your blog and sense of style. the scenery is beautiful :)

    www.muslimahluvsmakeup.blogspot.com Muslimahluvsmakeup on bloglovin :)

  3. Hey :) found your blog through the IFB roundup :) and I really love your style. I've been looking through some older posts and love pretty much everything you wear. Nothing better than I skater skirt. Also, your graduation looked perfect although I didn't think you'd see the comment on there so I decided to write it here.

    Great blog and I'm now following you :)


    Click here to check out my blog – Hailes Hearts Fashion

  4. I absolutely love that shirt. I have a sweater that I found at Goodwill of all places with a giant white yeti on the front and it is my absolute favorite sweater. Best part about living in the PNW? Sasquatch!

