January 21, 2014

1 Year!

Today is my one year blog anniversary! I know I have said this so many times but I am so glad I started this blog one year ago. I remember when I posted that first post, I just decided to go for it and stop thinking about it and waiting for that perfect moment. Sometimes you just have to do it. If you are wanting to start one but waiting for the perfect layout or the right camera, stop waiting and just start. I was so happy I did. Thank you all so much for reading what I have to say and commenting. I really love reading and appreciate all of the comments you guys leave. Thank you guys so so so much! Here's to another year!
Outfit Details
Dress || Francescas
Sweater || H&M
Tights, Boots & Belt || Target
Necklace ℅ Beading by Danielle


  1. you are so cute!! i'm crazy about those pink tights and that dress is beautiful :)



  2. Congrats! Blogiversaries feel so great. I have one coming up too! :D I love that dress and belt, by the way!

  3. Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Looking forward to following along for the next one. I love this outfit too, your dress is gorgeous and I love the pink tights! It's not a tight colour Iyou generally see but they look fantastic xo

  4. Happy blogiversary!! This outfit is so adorable! Love the color of your tights!
