May 31, 2013

Today, you decided to take a drive...

You leave your house and drive on down the highway. The first town you come to is a small one. 1st street is lined with antique shops and little boutiques running parallel with the river. You continue on down the street and find yourself at the local farmers market with fresh flowers and produce. After getting out to get yourself a beautiful bouquet of flowers, you slide back in your car and continue on your way. You continue to drive through town, passing large houses with overgrown, lush, green gardens. As you make your way out of town, you begin to pass large, open fields where horses are free to roam. The big red barn at the end of the field is where they call home. Large evergreen and deciduous trees create a living tunnel over the road. After traveling over creeks and through the tunnel, you find yourself at your destination. Completely encircled with tall trees, is another field. A refuge. A place to get away from the busy and loud world just on the other side of the green wall. A place to sit and watch the birds and horses. A place to think. And a place to experience some of the best afternoons  you can think of.
Outfit Details
Top || Target
Skirt || Handmade
Sweater || H&M
Shoes || TOMS
Necklaces || Forever 21
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May 29, 2013

Growing Seeds in Drain-less Jars

I love watching seeds sprout and plants grow. It is so fascinating to me. Which is why seeds growing in different jars and containers on a windowsill is a must. Often times however those jars do not have a drainage hole for the water to escape. You dont want the soil and seed to become waterlogged and rot. The seed wont grow. To solve this, it is really quite simple. Just add gravel to the bottom of the jar. Then place the soil on top of that with the seeds towards the top. I chose gravel because I like the looks of it but you could also use decorative and colorful needs or glass pebbles to add a little something more. This extra layer allows the water to sit there without waterlogging the soil and harming the seeds or roots. Now you can grow seeds in whatever containers you want and enjoy the wonder of nature inside. Just be sure to give them plenty of sun and keep the soil moist but not soaking wet. Happy Planting!
The pink jar is from my friend Cara. You should go check out her blog Cara Joy, especially the series when she redoes her camp trailer! Its amazing! The Before and After! Go say hi!

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May 27, 2013

Rethinking the Hotdog

Its BBQ season and that means lots and lots of hotdogs. But let me tell you I'm not the hugest fans of hotdogs, I have a hard time finishing one. These are literally all my boyfriend eats so I had to come up with ways to stomach them and I succeeded. So put away the ketchup, mustard and relish and break out these ingredients because it is time to rethink that hotdog.
I have three different hotdogs for you to make. The Garden Dog, Seattle Dog and Taco Dog. The ingredients needed for these are avocado, onion, salsa, tomato, sour cream, cheese, peppers, guacamole and cream cheese. 
The Garden dog includes guacamole spread on the bun and topped with onions, tomatoes and sliced avocado and anything else you happen to find growing in your garden. This one is my personal favorite and the guacamole is absolutely superb on hotdogs. I don't know if I'll be able to eat one without it now. 
This one isn't exactly a new concept. It includes cream cheese spread on the bun and topped with onions, peppers and tomatoes. Cream cheese is a popular spread on hotdogs in Seattle. 
I LOVE tacos so I decided to substitute the taco meat for a hotdog. Sour cream is on the bun and it is topped with salsa, onions and cheese. Delicious! These should make your BBQ experience more enjoyable than the condiments usually associated with hotdogs. Enjoy!
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May 21, 2013

Updates and Snapshots

Lots have been going on behind the computer. I have moved across the state and am currently in the process of switching rooms at home. I can not wait for it to get done and all organized so I can show you! I have something fun planned for that reveal and I hope it works out. It will be the first of its kind on Pretty Lovely and hopefully not the last :) And once I have some downtime I am going to begin the brainstorming and planning process for some upcoming series. Super excited about that. Hence the new journal and magazines. Now who wants to help me finish my room so I can start these new projects?

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May 13, 2013

May Wishlist

May. The weather is getting warmer and more time is being spent outside. Time to get that summer reading list made and break out the floral crowns. Now someone just point me in the direction of a wildflower meadow or a secret garden and I'll see you in the fall.

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May 9, 2013

The Perfect Dinner

This will be my last outfit post from Pullman for a very long time. Tomorrow is moving day. It's been a good five years Pullman. Brent and I went to dinner at the golf course here in town, where these pictures were taken. It was the most relaxing dinner and so perfect. The weather was just right that we got to eat outside and not get too hot or cold. The food was delicious! Three course meal, complete with three different kind of desserts. The most amazing view of the golf course and the rolling hills behind that. Soft music playing in the background. And to top it all off, a large glass of lemonade. Perfection.
If you want to learn more about Brent (the guy behind my camera), go say hi to Ilene at Much Love Illy where she is doing "The Guy Behind the Camera" series! Thanks so much for having us!
Outfit Details
Dress || Marshalls
Belt || Target
Shoes || Urban Outfitters
Necklace || Old Anthropologie 
Quote Bracelet || Laurel Denise
Cuff Bracelet || My mom made this in high school!

May 7, 2013

Graduation Day Recap

Here are a couple of pictures from graduation day. I am so happy I got to sit next to my two friends Anna and Rachael. The perfect way to end college and as Anna said, it was our last college adventure together. Hopefully there will be many more adventures to follow...

May 4, 2013

Graduation Day

After five short years here at Washington State University, graduation day has arrived. I would say finally, but I don't know. These past five years have been so good and I have met some of the best friends and I would hate to say this but its reality, I might not see some of them ever again. Good thing we live in an age where keeping in touch is extremely easy. Hopefully I will have a full recap of my college life and you guys will get to meet some of these people. I wrote it here, so now I'm accountable for it. Be looking for that and a recap of todays festivities as well.
Here's to a great graduation day and working for the next 60 years! WooHoo!!