May 21, 2013

Updates and Snapshots

Lots have been going on behind the computer. I have moved across the state and am currently in the process of switching rooms at home. I can not wait for it to get done and all organized so I can show you! I have something fun planned for that reveal and I hope it works out. It will be the first of its kind on Pretty Lovely and hopefully not the last :) And once I have some downtime I am going to begin the brainstorming and planning process for some upcoming series. Super excited about that. Hence the new journal and magazines. Now who wants to help me finish my room so I can start these new projects?

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  1. So so so in love with your wall hangings! They're definitely inspiring me to do something fun with my otherwise plain walls. So far I just have a couple 'o flower crowns hanging up. Time for a change, I reckon!

    Lost in the Haze

    1. Thank you! I would like to add some flower crowns to my walls!

  2. I love the wall hangings! Cute pictures. :)
