May 4, 2013

Graduation Day

After five short years here at Washington State University, graduation day has arrived. I would say finally, but I don't know. These past five years have been so good and I have met some of the best friends and I would hate to say this but its reality, I might not see some of them ever again. Good thing we live in an age where keeping in touch is extremely easy. Hopefully I will have a full recap of my college life and you guys will get to meet some of these people. I wrote it here, so now I'm accountable for it. Be looking for that and a recap of todays festivities as well.
Here's to a great graduation day and working for the next 60 years! WooHoo!!


  1. Congrats!! You look gorgeous :) Good luck in the real world!!


  2. Congrats! these pictures are adorable.
