February 20, 2013

A Little Afternoon Trip

These pictures were also taken at home and on this particular day we travelled up to Bellingham for the afternoon to visit my brother. Lets begin with the drive up. It's about an hour and a half drive from where I live and it is one of my favorites. You go through farm country and then through some evergreen forests, which as you read in my last post, I love. Bellingham itself is surrounded by these forests and also water. That's a win win situation. It is absolutely gorgeous there. It is the perfect place to spend a day or an afternoon with plenty of little shops and cafes or restaurants all within walking distance of one another to keep you busy. If you live in the area, I definitely recommend making the visit there if you haven't already.
Outfit Detail
Green Cords || Old Navy
Shoes || Target
White Thermal || JCPenneys
Floral Shirt || 11 Eureka
Linking up with This n That


  1. I am loving those shoes! Super cute :)
    xo Heather

  2. love bellingham and love your shoes. the fact that i do not own those target gems haunts me everyday of my life!
    cute blog, girl!

  3. Hi dear! lovely blog title :) i'm your newest follower


  4. I love your floral button down. Cute outfit:)


  5. I just found your sweet blog and I've been loving looking through your outfits.
    So inspiring!

  6. just became your newest follower and i love that you incorporated floral and denim in your recent looks, i just posted a similar outfit on my blog, would love love to have you as a follower! xo

