October 30, 2014

The Oxford Saloon Ghost

I couldn't go through October without showing you at least one haunted place! The Oxford saloon is in my hometown of Snohomish, Wa. Snohomish has a lot of old buildings built in the late 1800's, with the majority of them keeping the old facade and lots and lots of antique stores, its like walking back in time when you visit First Street.
When the Oxford first opened it was Blackman's Dry Goods store. It remained like that for about a decade when it then became a saloon. It changed owners and uses over the years but ultimately became a saloon one last time. There was a mens card room in the in the basement that often held a lot of fights along with the bar. There was a policeman named Henry at the time that often frequented the Oxford. A fight broke out and Henry stepped in to try and break it up but was knifed to death in the process. He has yet to leave the Oxford.
He hangs out around the stairs and has been seen and felt in the Womens restroom. Many report being pinched by him. The saloon has been a place for many ghost investigations beginning in 2005. During one of these investigations, photos were taken from the basement looking up the stairs. One of the photos appears to have a man standing on the stairs looking up
Do you believe in ghosts or have any experiences of your own? True ghost stories are some of my favorite but absolutely terrify me. Tell me yours, I may not want to read it but I will because I can't help myself.

Outfit Details
Dress || H&M 
Sweater || Kohls
Tights & Socks || Target
Wellies ℅ Joules 


  1. the building is so pretty! i don't think i believe in ghosts but i do find ghost stories interesting and both fun and creepy to hear:-) xx

    1. Isn't it!? I just love Snohomish because of this :)

  2. What a lovely and super charming building + your outfit!! Fall perfection!! xoxo
