October 22, 2014

Flora Focus || Katsuratree aka Cotton Candy Tree

Its been quite awhile since I have done a Flora Focus post and although this isn't a flower I really wanted to tell you about this tree! I briefly introduced it to you last fall in an outfit post and have been getting some blog views by people searching "tree that smells like cotton candy" so here is the full meet and greet post. Yes, Katsuratree really does smell like cotton candy when the leaves turn brown and fall. When I went to cut these branches, I was bombarded with the sweetest smell you would ever smell from a tree. The fall color is a vibrant yellow. You can easily spot it from far away. I really hope you have one of these trees near you so you can experience this.

Botanical Name: Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Leaf: Rounded leaves with a point on the end. The margin (edges) has rounded teeth. Green in the summer and orangeish-yellow in the fall. Smells like cotton candy in the fall.

Have you gotten to experience this tree before? If not, I hope you get to soon!
Thanks for reading!


  1. so pretty!
    xx nikki

  2. Cotton candy. Nope definitely haven't experienced this tree, but I wish I could. It's beautiful. Happy weekend~ :] // itsCarmen.com ☼ ☯
