August 18, 2014

It's Here!

Remember this little bouquet I picked in celebration of signing up for an amazing opportunity? That amazing opportunity is tomorrow. I can't believe it is here already. I am so nervous and excited all at the same time. I know this will change a lot and give me a HUGE push in the direction that I want to be going with my future. The last part of August is just going to fly by. I have the class tomorrow and Wednesday and then I am doing the flowers for my first wedding Labor day weekend. Talk about pressure. This floral class couldn't have come at a better time. I hope I remember to take photos of everything. Big things are happening!

Outfit Details
Skirt & Top || Urban Outfitters
Sweater & Boots || Target
Necklace || Forever 21
Photos by my Mom


  1. Love your hair so much! This outfit is so adorable. Best of luck with your new endeavours, I'm sure you will be great! :)

  2. Awh, I'm excited for you! I'm sure you'll do great, good luck with everything - I just checked out your link and it looks amazing and so much fun! I wish we had things like that where I live! Loving the cardigan in these pics by the way - it looks so comfy :)

  3. Omg so cute! I love the braids in your hair. Perfect outfit. I love that skirt.


  4. how exciting!! good luck! and your hair/braids look amazing!


  5. Very exciting, good luck on the classes! Lovin' this outfit :)

  6. That is really exciting! Good luck and try to post some awesome photos in here!

  7. so nice photos!) You have a very beautiful smile!)

