August 1, 2014

I Got a Bike!

You guys! I got a bike! A mint green cruiser. Can it get anymore perfect than that? I just don't know. I have been wanting a bike for THE LONGEST time. My mom sent me a picture of this one and I debated and debated. The picture of it was on my laptop for about a week, I couldn't stop starring at it, so I finally took the plunge and bought it for myself. My boyfriend just moved next to a lake with a three mile trail circling the entire thing, so thats really the reason I bought it. So I can bike while he runs. I can't wait to get it over there. Also hoping to get it on the trail that runs from my little town out into the country side. I think THAT would be so much fun.
Outfit Details
Top || Kohls
Skirt & Shoes || Target
Belt & Necklace || Forever 21


  1. The bike is so beautiful! I saw similar one the other day and it caught my attention! the mint color gives that vintage feel which I like! :)

    Fashionably Sparkly

    1. I love the mint! I think thats what put me over the edge :)

  2. such a pretty outfit and that bike is so beautiful!! it's perfect!


  3. beautiful!

  4. Your bike is so beautiful!! I've been hinting to the fella that I want a bike for Christmas this year, I hope he gets the hint. :) x

  5. So adorable! I love non-athletic looking bikes. Perfect for riding through quaint areas and to farmers markets to pick up fresh veggies.

  6. I love these kinds of fun and playful bikes! Very pretty and adorable to look at.
