June 23, 2014


Well that was a little unintentional blog break. But Im back and wearing this dress that the amazing people at eShakti sent me! Not going to lie, I was not in love with it when I first opened the package. It had nothing to do with the packaging or how it was sent, but about the dress and how I remembered it on the site. Thankfully, however, this is one of those dresses that definitely looks better on, than hanging on a hanger. Im happy to say that I kind of love it now.
eShakti is a site where you can customize any dress, shirt or skirt that you pick out. For this dress I had the option to choose my size from the given sizes or type in my specific measurements. I just chose a standard size and can confidently say that this is without a doubt my best fitting dress. Its amazing. I also gave them my height and chose the length of the dress that I wanted. This one is the above the knee length. They also gave you the option to remove the embroidery and remove the pockets, but why would you want to remove either of those!? Pockets in dresses are possibly the greatest thing ever.
If you are someone that has trouble finding dresses that fit, I would definitely give eShakti a shot. They didn't disappoint me.

Outfit Details
Dress ℅ eShakti
Shoes || Shoemint
Necklace || Forever 21
Belt || Target


  1. Such a cute dress! Alex


  2. I want that dress in my closet! Gahh so cute! :)

    Daydream Frenzy

  3. gorgeous dress!! the embroidery is perfect!



  4. That dress is really really stunning. I love the embroidering, and it looks so lovely on you! Great choice.

  5. This dress is so perfect on you! It's so summery with the floral embroidery!

  6. That dress looks amazing on you! I know what you mean about pockets- they make or break a dress haha :)

    The Petite Chronicles
