May 2, 2014

Fresh From the Field Wedding Flowers || Giveaway!

I am so excited to write this post for you guys but have no idea where to start, I have so much I want to say! So I'll just start from the beginning :)

I know that some of you are new readers, (Hello there!) and may not know that I have a degree in Landscape, Nursery and Greenhouse Management and a certificate in Organic Agriculture from WSU... Go Cougs! So, I love watching things grow and creating gorgeous outdoor areas and working with flowers and plants of all kind. I thought I wanted to work in a nursery, and I did for 3 amazing summers, but during that time I realized I had some major love for the flowers and desperately wanted to create gorgeous bouquets and arrangements and garlands and flower crowns and anything else I could. So I started researching floral design and different florists. I came across the incredible world of farmer florists that I had no idea existed. And I became obsessed with this idea.
The first farmer florist I came across was Erin Benzakein from Floret. I was so unbelievably excited to find out that she was a florist that grew her own flowers, she had a blog and she was from Skagit Valley. 1 hour away from me! Its always amazing to find someone local. This discovery led me to many other flower farmers and floral designers and just fueled my desire to learn all I could.

I was so ecstatic to hear that Erin was working on a book with Lynn Byczynski for aspiring flower farmers, floral designers and DIY brides, Fresh From the Field Wedding Flowers. I fit 2 of those categories! I waited patiently for its release and was so grateful when they sent over 2 copies, 1 for me to read and review and 1 to giveaway to one of you! I read the whole book and watched all of the 75 minutes of video (yep! it comes with a DVD!) the day I got it.
This book is all about the local flower movement. Buying and designing with local flowers. It is more geared toward that DIY bride who wants to create her own flowers for the big day. If that is you, I cannot recommend this book enough. I am helping a friend with her wedding in August and this book answered so many questions, some I didn't even know I had. Seriously, you need this book if you are doing your own flowers or helping a friend or family member with theirs. It has everything you need to know about finding, buying and designing with local flora.
If you want to know more about the art of arranging, it covers all of that too. All of the tools you need and the techniques. The DVD is SUPER helpful with this aspect of the book. And have I mentioned the insane amount of gorgeous photos? So much inspiration.

They end it with information on a lot of the popular cut flowers and with a list of different farmers and florists across the country using and growing local flora.
I can't recommend this book enough and am so happy I get to give it to one of my readers! All you have to do is comment telling me what your favorite flower is and make sure you enter through the Rafflecopter below. There are some extra entries you can complete too to increase your chances :)

You can also find Fresh From the Field Wedding Flowers on Facebook and Pinterest.

And don't forget that all ad spots are still FREE for reaching 500 followers! Use code "500".

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. my fave flower is a daisy :)


  2. I love pink roses :D my email is

  3. Love all the celosias, but the crested is my ultimate favorite bloom!!

  4. Oh my, I love SO many flowers! I do have a special place in my heart for tulips, though. They are just so lovely. I went to my first tulip festival this weekend and I had no idea how many different kinds of tulips there are!

    xo Kimi

  5. I love hydrangeas--my absolute favorite!

  6. Right Now it is lily of the valley

  7. Tulips adjusts have and always will love them

  8. So many favorites - peonies, dahlias, magnolias!

  9. I'm a sunflower girl myself...

  10. So hard to choose a favorite, but in this moment I choose poppies!
