May 8, 2014

Flora Focus || Lilac

Lilacs are probably the best smelling flower that bloom in the spring. If you bring a small bouquet of them into your house, you will soon be smelling the sweet, fresh scent in every room, they are that fragrant. And I love it. You can see them in the wildflower, roadside bouquet I made last week. They are quite the statement flower!
Botanical Name: Syringa spp.
Flower: Blooms in spring and can be white, purple or pink. Large clusters of small tubular flowers. Clusters can get up to 8 inched long. Very fragrant.
Leaf: Leaves are oval to heart shaped with a smooth margin, 5 inches long.
Meaning: First emotions of love

Want to learn more about flowers and how to arrange them? Enter to win a copy of Fresh from the Field Wedding Flowers.


  1. I love the white lilacs! How many years should you let a new plant grow before you harvest off of it?

    1. You can harvest right away, at least I do. Cutting off the blooms promotes new growth as well, it will make it bushier and produce some more flowers. If you don't harvest the flowers, the plant will concentrate on keeping those alive instead of producing more. And always deadhead! You don't want the plant to send nutrients to dead flowers that need them, when other parts of the plant do!

  2. I've actually never seen white lilac blooms in person, but they're so pretty! The house we just bought has lilac bushes, and I'm so excited about it :)


  3. I LOVE lilacs! They are one of my very favorites! We used to have big huggge bushes growing at my last house and I miss them. The smell is the best!
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

    1. The smell is so heavenly and so STRONG! It really is the best!
