April 10, 2014

Flora Focus || Anemone & Ranunculus

Hi there! Today I am starting a new weekly feature! Although I kind of already started it last week with this post, I didn't realize I wanted it to be a weekly feature until this one! Flora Focus will highlight some of the flowers, shrubs and trees that are in bloom right now! At least in the PNW. I thought this would be a good way for me to get back in the swing of things and relearn about all these gorgeous plants we have here and thought you guys might want to learn the basics too! What do you think? Sound good? I hope so! :)

I thought I would start out with two of my favorite spring flowers. Anemones & Ranunculus.
Botanical Name: Anemone spp.
Flower: can be red, pink, white, blue or purple. Some have a very dark, black, center while others of a yellow center. Grows on a long, thin stem above the rest of the plant. Paper like petals. Blooms in spring or summer, depending on the variety.
Leaf: Leaves have serrated edges and are mid to dark green in color.
Uses: Cut flower, these are gorgeous in arrangements. Simply by themselves or with other spring flowers.
Meaning: Forsaken
Botanical Name: Ranunculus spp.
Flower: Comes in pink, orange, white, yellow and purple. Whorls, upon whorls of petals create this sometimes large bloom.
Leaf: Serrated leaf with 3 lobes. Mid to dark green.
Uses: This is also often used as a cut flower and is a popular wedding flower.
Meaning: You are radiant with charms
Thanks for reading! I hope that by the end of some of these posts you can start to put names to flowers. Have a great day!



  1. gorgeous flowers! i like this feature already :)



  2. I love flowers :) Spring time, yaya

    come on over,

  3. These are two of my favorite flowers - so lovely!

    1. These flowers are so gorgeous. Nature is amazing :)

  4. this makes me about 10x MORE ready for spring and the flowers I need to plant! I'm glad I waited though, they say we might get 1 more freeze (up here in the texas panhandle)... LAME!
