March 13, 2014

My Favorite 'Coffee Table Books'

Ok, so some of these aren't really coffee table books, but I like that name rather than "informational books". Am I right? I love coffee table books, and just in case you don't know exactly what a coffee table book is, it is "a large, expensive, lavishly illustrated book, especially one intended only for casual reading". Over the past couple of years, I have slowly built up my collection, I just love looking at them, and they can be very interesting.

Paris, An Inspiring Tour of the Cities Creative Heart || The photos in this book are GORGEOUS. I just opened it to write this little blurb and my heart ached for Paris. I was there for a day and a half a couple years ago and it was not nearly enough time. I completely fell in love with that city, but about the book. This book is all about the best kept secrets of Paris. The best cafes, bookstores, boutiques and little gardens in the city. Travel off the main street and discover the charm of Paris.
The Disneyland Encyclopedia || This book is mostly words with some black and white photos but is a MUST for any Disney lover. This encyclopedia holds the history of Disneyland. Every single ride that has ever been in Disneyland, shop or restaurant. Did you know that Main Street used to have a little flower cart, selling artificial flowers, or that Main Street also used to have an Intimate Apparel shop aka Corset Shop in 1955-1956. This book has it all.

A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book || Im sure you have all seen this book within the last year. I love the photos that those ladies take over on their blog and couldn't pass up the opportunity to purchase this book. I love flipping through the pages and gathering inspiration for my own everyday lifestyle photos.

The Flower Recipe Book || If you are interested in arranging flowers, I would get this book. The pictures are amazing and it has got arrangements for you to make for all of your favorite flowers. Whether you want to do simple arrangement or one with more layers and variety. It has everything from the tools to use, the vessel and how many flowers to use in each arrangement.
Weird Washington || If you one weird road side attractions, you will love this one. These guys have books for the majority of the states, if not all. It has haunted building and cemeteries you can visit, stories of local legends, and those weird roadside oddities. For instance, did you know we actually have a huge troll underneath a bridge holding a holding a real Volkswagen Beetle? One of these days Ill get outfit photos with it.

Emily Post's Etiquette || I love this one. It is a huge book filled with everything you need to know about the proper way to do… everything. This is the 18th edition, so it has been updated with etiquette on cell phone and social networking use. When is it ok to unfriend someone on Facebook? Is it ok to tweet from a wedding? I love having this book sitting on my shelf to answer those questions. Plus, it looks pretty.

I love getting new books like this. Do you have any favorite coffee table books? I would love to hear what they are!

Thanks for reading!


  1. That Paris book sounds beautiful, definitely need that in my life. Loved this post :)

    Sophie x

  2. i've been dying to get the ABM photo idea book!

