February 6, 2014

The Year of Life \\ Sponsor Spotlight

Today I am here to introduce to you lovely people the lady that has been hanging out on the top of my sidebar over there this month! Everyone meet Jenna from the lovely blog The Year of Life! Being on top of the sidebar means that she gets her own special post so you guys can get to know her a little better and make a new friend! Everyone likes making new friends, right? Without further ado, everyone I introduce you to Jenna!
Describe The Year of Life to us. 
~A the start of the year I decided that I really wanted to make some changes for 2014. This year is about being present in my life and saying YES to new things! The blog is sort of my online journal for this - a place to document moments and to talk about whatever has my attention! I have also created a 28 by 28 list which is a list of things i want to do/achieve by the time I turn 28 next January so that is something that will be heavily featured on the blog.

Where do you find your inspiration?
~Everywhere! I am constantly inspired by the world around me,  by other bloggers and also by the people in my life. 

I see you have a 28 by 28 list but what are some items on your bucket list?
~So many things! At the moment they are all travel related. Here are a few:
See the Northern Lights from Norway or Iceland, do an African Safari, backpack around Europe with my Husband for 3-6 months, swim with Beluga whales in Canada. There are so many things I want to see and experience all around the world!

You can also find her on Instagram and Twitter. Go say hi!
Thanks Jenna for hanging out with me this month!

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