February 3, 2014

La Conner, Washington

Friday afternoon, after having a very long overdue lunch with a friend, I headed up to La Conner to take these pictures. It was my first time taking photos out in the open with anybody who wanted to watch and wonder what I was doing was free to do. But it didn't seem to weird which was nice. Probably because everyone who did come by was also taking pictures of the bridge in these photos. So they all probably thought I was doing the same. We'll let them think that.
La Conner is a cute little marina town on the Swinomish Channel off of the Puget Sound. Its been a long time since I have walked up and down the main street that is lined with shops. I was only there long enough to take these pictures before it got dark out. I would really like to go back now and spend an afternoon there.
Outfit Details
Dress || Modcloth
Sweater || Kohls
Tights || Old
Boots || Borrowed from Mom
Necklaces || Forever 21



  2. Did you take these pictures yourself, or did you have a photographer? I haven't dared yet to take my own in public - it's awkward enough having someone else do it! Lovely outfit, love the floral and the colors.

    1. I took them myself! It was definitely an experience but found out it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought. Im glad I did it!
