February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day & Sponsor Coupon Code!

Happy Valentines Day! To tell you the truth, I'm not a huge fan of this day, its too cheesy for me. But any excuse to dress up a little is alright in my books. So here I am, dressed up a little. I found these really cute vintage post cards while shopping in Snohomish a couple weeks ago and couldn't leave the store without them. They are so much better than the Valentine cards these days with Justin Beiber or someone else on them. My mom said that these were what she passed out as a kid. Lucky. 
To show my special readers some love on this Valentines Day, how about 20% off all ad spots! Use code "MYVALENTINE". This would be a good and cheap way to get your blog or shop more exposure. And remember, large sponsors get their own spotlight post! Yep. Thats right. 
Outfit Details
Dress || Spool No. 72
Tights & Belt || Target
Necklace || Forever 21


  1. SO CUTE! Love this look and it looks great on you!

  2. I absolutely love the "sleeves" of this dress, it offers like the best of both worlds! You look absolutely adorable! (I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day either, I know how you feel.)


  3. Such a pretty look! I love bright red tights, and today is perfect for them. :)

  4. This outfit is literally perfect for today!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. You look absolutely adorable! What a pretty dress, and the red tights are a great way to make it perfect for Valentine's day.
