January 14, 2014

Rome, Italy

After our short stay in Zermatt, we made our way down to Rome, Italy. I am going to be completely honest. My first impression of Rome wasn't the best. It probably didn't help that we just got done staying in a perfect little town, with no hustle and bustle and getting off of the train in a crazy busy station at night. No, that definitely didn't help. I was expecting more from Rome and didn't quite get it. However, looking back at these pictures, there was a little magic in Rome.
Christmas lights were EVERYWHERE. You knew what streets had something important down them, because the lights told you so. They were just draped over the streets, creating a ceiling that sparkled. And the fact that every restaurant had outdoor seating was so amazing.
The first full day we were there, we didn't have anything planned and just wanted to explore the area we were staying in. We were only a street away from Vatican City and wandered there that morning. When we got there we found a whole crowd of people standing around looking like they were waiting for something. No one was walking around and they were all facing the same direction. Obviously waiting for something. So we decided to stick around. We were there for an hour, when the Pope shows up in his window for the Sunday Blessing. It was an incredible welcome to Rome.


  1. Oh my goodness, so jealous! Rome is definitely on the top of my must travel to list! It looks even prettier and more magical at Christmas time with all the lights and the ginormous decorated tree!
    Hope you had a blast!



  2. Oh so sad to hear you didn't like Rome. It is my favorite city in Europe! Did you eat the gelato and cannoli's? because that's where all the magic is...well, and in the pasta and pizza. Rome looks magical at Christmas time!

  3. It sure looks magical from the pictures. Weird you didn't like it. I can't wait to visit it, but it my have to do with my interest in art history.
    Andreea | http://catsfika.blogspot.ro/

  4. I can;t wait to go to Rome and Venice. Fingers crossed I will make it there this year. I did go to Paris in Aug and it was more than I ever expected! have you been?


  5. Your photos are amazing! I'm heading to Europe this summer and was considering Switzerland (mainly due to your previous snapshots) but I think we've settled on Poland. If you have any tips, let me know!

  6. I love your pictures! I studied abroad in Italy three summers ago and loved it. These pictures bring back so many memories. It looks so magical at Christmastime!

    xo Kimi
