January 17, 2014

Expect More

Something different I am doing this year with this blog is planning more in advance my posts. I really didn't plan at all last year and when I took pictures would be when my next post would be. But this year I got myself a planner and a brand new journal. Aren't new journals just the best? Anyways, one day I sat down and planned out the entire month of January. Holy cow. Why didn't I do this earlier? I am finding my posts coming up having much more substance and thought put into them. Now I am carrying around this journal everywhere I go and whenever I have the time, start jotting down notes and ideas for upcoming posts. Its been the best. Expect a lot more from this blog this year. 
Outfit Details
Skirt, Shirt & Necklace || Forever 21
Tights & Socks || Target
Boots & Cardigan || From my moms closet (Thanks Mom!!)


  1. i love this outfit!! that cardigan is so pretty. can't wait to see whats in store for your blog :)



  2. SO CUTE

  3. This outfit is so so cute!! I always want to use a planner or journal and I'm really good about it for two weeks and then stop haha! Instead I have a pad that says TO DO on the top and write everything I have to do. Somehow it all works out! :)

  4. What a cute outfit! Great photography too. Love the bright colours. :)


  5. I LOVE that cardigan and this outfit overall! I recently started following you, and I've been loving you blog so far :)


  6. Super cute! I love the entire outfit and the blog. New follower :) xx

  7. I am really in love with your style. It seems very distinct and *you*, and I like that. This is a lovely outfit, and I'm definitely going to follow the blog from now on!
