January 27, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

Anybody else love The Sound of Music as much as I do? Anyways, these are just a couple of things I have been loving lately.
This dress I got from Rome. Its gorgeous. It has been hanging on my wall since I got home and when the light hits is just right it sparkles. I haven't had a chance to wear it yet, its kind of fragile and snags on things but one day. 
This box of postcards I got from Modcloth. All old educational posters from 50s and 60s I believe. Also in french. They are so fun to look at. 
Flower seeds! Hopefully I will get the greenhouse cleaned in time! I've started, so thats a plus. I ordered these Territorial Seed Company online. You can't find the unusual flower seeds in stores so I resort to the internet. I like to request the free seed catalog and sit and look at it and daydream. Its the best. 
I am loving EVERYTHING woodland right now. I hope that love doesn't go away anytime soon. Add twinkle lights and that just takes this love to a whole new level.  


  1. I am not even kidding you, I just bought the Sound of Music soundtrack on vinyl last week! One of my all time favorite musicals. Have you seen the new one they've come out with? with Carrie Underwood? I've heard it's good, but I'm not a big fan of re-doing the classics, so I haven't seen it yet.

    Also, that dress is fantastic.

    1. I have seen it and it is definitely not the same. The original is perfect and new one just didn't do it justice…
      And thanks!

  2. Yes to Sound of Music! Such a classic. And also, that dress is so cool. AND ALSO. Dreaming about seeds is the best. Have you ever heard of the Sensitive Plant/Mimosa Pudica? It is a super fascinating plant, and I was able to get seeds for it. You should look it up on youtube. ;)

    1. Yes! The one that moves when you touch it! It is so awesome! And you got seeds for it!? Definitely looking into that :)

  3. I was trying to sing that song where she yodels just yesterday LOL! My husband thought of I was nuts of course :) I watched the musical when it came on TV


    1. I watched it too. It was neat to see, but just wasn't quite the same I thought.
