November 7, 2013

The Creative Link Up

I am teaming up with Lena of This Lovely Little Day and some other wonderful bloggers to bring you a new link up that revolves around creativity and art! I am not very artistic, I can't draw for the life of me, but I can put some thread in some fabric. So instead of a canvas or notebook, my art will be in the form of embroidery. But who knows, you might see something else from me as the time goes on.

Each week there will be a new prompt that you can do whatever you want with. Paint, draw, sculpt, thread… whatever it is you do, do it. This week was just expressing creativity. Yeah, mine might not be very creative but Im going for the more simple approach to this. Sometimes I tend to just keep adding things, because I think it needs more. Not this time. I have got to tell myself to stop. Sometimes less is more. The arrow represents moving forward with this new adventure.

So with that, you can link up this week with an art project that represents creativity. Next week the prompt is "Something you did today". Create something this week that represents that and I will see you here next Thursday, so you can link up and see what other people created! Have fun!


  1. I love your creative take on the project Jordyn! You are awesome! Also, I have a package in the mail today! Can't wait to open it! :)))

    this lovely little day

  2. I think simple works great and it doesn't mean lack of creativity! I don't think I could do what you do, it's really lovely!

    Andreea |

  3. So creative! I love embroidering because I'm creating something, but I can still have a conversation or watch a movie while I'm doing it.

  4. You've inspired me! I was already planning on joining in, but I've also been playing with the idea of teaching myself to embroider. I DEFINITELY have to now!!!
    What a cute design.

  5. I think I'm def gonna embroider for one of my entires!! I prefer to embroider using a machine though xxx
