November 14, 2013

Creative Initiative Week 2 || Link Up

It's week #2 of the creative initiative we started last week! This weeks prompt was "draw (or create) something that you did today". Im into making scarfs lately, so that is what I decided to embroider! And, quite honestly, I didn't do anything too exciting…
So, you want to know the prompt for next week? With the leaves falling fast and before everything gets bare, we wanted to capture the pretty colors of nature while we still can! So get outside and create what you see! I am the most inspired by nature, this week is going to be fun!

The Rules
1. Create something based on this weeks prompt, Nature. 
2. Blog about your creation and link it with this post.
3. Comment on others posts! Nature is such a broad prompt, it will be fun to see what others come up with!
Have Fun!


  1. I love how you are embroidering for this project. Such a neat medium. I wish I had the patience to learn how to knit and crochet. I could have endless scarves to keep my neck and face warm and toasty all winter long.

  2. This is too cute! I, too, wish I had the patience to learn how to knit and stitch :)

  3. This is adorable so far! Good job on keeping up with the creative initiative :)

  4. So cool! I love that you chose an interesting medium rather than just a sketch!

  5. I used to make scarves with my granny when I was little. I had tons of fun. I always love what you bring to the creative initiative!!
    Andreea |

  6. this is cute!

