October 16, 2013

Meet the Lovely Alex & Paige of Whimsy Darling

I have got another wonderful blog for you guys to LOVE! Whimsy Darling written by two lovely ladies, Paige & Alex. I love reading every single one of their posts, from the outfit posts to the DIY's. Take at look at their interview below, then wander on over to Whimsy Darling and say hello!

If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

PaigeFor a romantic (and maybe less personality based) answer I would say a willow tree. Not that I think I’m a “weeping willow”, but I love the beauty of the willow tree. I have also always loved “The Wind in the Willows”, so there’s a bit of bookish nostalgia involved in my choice.

AlexI would be a cedar tree! At first I wanted to say evergreen because I am obsessed with the Christmas season, but I had to go with a cedar just because they are all over our neighbourhood in Toronto and I just think they are so pretty. I also just love the way they smell! 

Which Disney Princess would you want to be for a day?

PaigeI would love to be Belle! Obviously if it was just for a day I would prefer not be Belle at the beginning of the story where she is chased by creepy men or locked in a semi-prison. If there was choice involved, I’d love to be Belle on the day she’s gifted an entire library! It’d feel pretty wonderful living in a semi-gothic enchanted castle too.

AlexDoes Pocahontas count? I’m going to say yes. This was an obvious choice for me because she was always my favourite as a child. I would always play “Pocahontas” outside and force my dog to follow me around so I could pretend that she was Meeko. My poor dog.
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?

PaigeFall! I really wanted to cop out and say I love all the seasons, but if I had to choose, it’d be Autumn. I love this time of year because of the beautiful changing colours on the trees, and the amazing hiking weather it provides. I’ve always associated Fall with back to school, which makes me view it as the start of a new year. Probably for this reason, Fall usually involves some sort of drastic change in my style.

AlexSpring! Hands down. There are so many things I love about spring. The smells, the melting snow, blooming flowers, the temperature… It’s just the perfect season.

If you were to design a clothing line, what would your inspiration be?

PaigeSo many things come to mind! At first I wanted to say Jess from New Girl, or Zooey Deschanel in general, but that might run the risk of just copying her style completely. I think I have to go with the artist Gustav Klimt. Hopefully my clothing line would abstain from the nudity that Klimt seems somewhat drawn to, but I love the rich colour palette and tones he uses. For me, colour is everything and I love clothes that have that richness in colour or design that make it a little bit different.

AlexSalvation Mountain in Palm Springs. I have never been before but it is at the top of my “to-go” list. It’s such an inspirational place for me. I love the bright bold colours that are used but mainly I just love the fact that someone who normally wouldn’t be considered an “artist” was able to create something so beautiful while throwing all the rules of art out the window. I would love to do something similar with a clothing line. Be inspired by the colours but also create things that don’t necessarily follow trends or fashion rules, just create whatever makes me happy.

You're hosting a dinner party, where would it be and whats on the menu?

PaigeWeather dependent I’d love to have a dinner party on my back deck/gazebo surrounded by twinkle lights. As for food, I’m really not a great cook, so I’d probably stick to a relatively raw menu (and probably ask someone to help me bbq up some meat). I’m really a salad gal so I’d have 2 or 3 salad options. I’d also probably make a few pies to satisfy my dessert fetish. Other than the food, drinks are so important! I love having a drink that fits the occasion and is a little bit creative.

AlexIt would definitely take place at my apartment. Does that sound lame? I am just such a homebody and love hosting guests at our place. As for the menu I don’t think I would have any big meal items but instead would stick to appetizers and cocktails. I absolutely hate cooking large meals, but love creating cheese trays and simple hors d’oeuvres to share with everyone. And of course there would be lots of cocktails. They are my favourite thing to come up with before a party.


  1. Thanks for featuring us! We loved answering all of your questions. <3

  2. Great questions and great answers! I love Whimsy Darling. And I have to agree - I would be Pocahontas too! I had a Disney Adventures book of it when I was little and I would have my sister act out the comic strip with me, hahaha :)

    A Coin For the Well
