October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! So, I know I said I was being a peacock in this post but… that kind of changed. As I started making the costume it was looking less and less like a peacock and more like a black bird. So my choices were either a crow or a raven. So I'm a raven now. I really liked how it turned out! And Im glad I went with a bird with wings, because now that is a little extra warmth for the cold night. What are you guys being? If you are posting your costume on your blog, link it below! I love seeing other peoples costumes! I will be going to a football game tonight and then bringing the raven out tomorrow night. I hope you guys have a great night! See you tomorrow for November! My birthday month!


  1. so pretty!
    I'm going as alice in wonderland and my boyfriend will be the mad hatter. Should be fun!

  2. Cute outfit! Love the photos


  3. You look gorgeous!
    I'm pressed for time between work and the party I'm heading to tomorrow night so I'm going the boring old zombie route this year. So jealous of your costume!

  4. I love how your costume turned out! I think I like it even better than if you had been a peacock!

    Ladyface Blog

  5. Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"! This came out really amazing, especially the wings. And your makeup is fantastic too!

  6. That's a really awesome costume! It looks like it could be on the runway of a couture fashion show!

    A Coin For the Well
