October 25, 2013

Halloween is next week?!

Can you guys believe that Halloween is next week? October just came and went so fast and now it is time to start getting my Halloween costume together. Im heading back to Pullman on Tuesday to enjoy the festivities over there and also go to a football game on Halloween. Its going to be cold but so so fun. I cant wait! Today and this weekend will be spent making my costume. Want to know what I'm going to be? Alright, I'll tell you... A Peacock! Hopefully I will get some pictures up on here of the costume once I am finished! Be sure to come back next week, because to celebrate Halloween week, I will have some ghost stories loosely based off of true events written by some special guests! You wont want to miss it!
Outfit Details
Skirt & Tights || Forever 21
Sweater || Boutique in Newport Beach
Shoes || Target


  1. This is pretty much my favorite looks this fall (and one I hope to be copying on my blog soon!): a neutral sweater, floral skirt or dress, colored tights (your color is the best!), and boots. So cute!

  2. Ah, those tights are fabulous! I love this whole look :)


  3. I love this outfit! Your tights and boots are so pretty. I'm excited to see your Halloween costume!

    Ladyface Blog

  4. Love this outfit, such great colors for fall. And those boots are pretty darn adorable!

  5. A peacock! That's a great costume. You are giving me ideas for next Hallowe'en!
    I also love this outfit. The tights pull everything together in the most awesome of ways.

    A Coin For the Well
