September 20, 2013

Searching, Searching, Searching

I love going for drives. Just getting in the car with no particular destination, just exploring the area. With my new found need of finding places to take pictures, these drives now have a purpose. Thats what happened on this particular day. I set out with the intention of taking pictures but not knowing where to go. Side note, there are a lot of people that fish in the Snohomish River midmorning. Made it a little difficult to decide on an area.
So while driving around I remembered this park we would run to way back in my cross country days. Made out the drive over to the lake and was very pleased at the sight of no one there. Setting up a tripod and taking pictures of yourself could make for an interesting conversation with people who are not aware of personal style blogs...
I recently got into the show Pretty Little Liars and when I saw this outfit all put together I thought it looked liked a very Spencer outfit. Which was a good thing. The clothes that those girls wear are incredible. I would love to have any of there closets. 
Outfit Details
Skirt, Sweater & Necklace || Forever 21
Shirt || Walmart
Tights & Socks || Target
Boots || Modcloth


  1. You're certainly right that such a habit could make for interesting conversation with passerbyes! So far I've been too lazy to ever take my own pictures--if there's not a relative around to take them for me, they don't get taken! :P

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  2. I like the green tights! Alex

  3. Such a pretty fall outfit! You use such simple pieces, but put them together in a thoughtful way. And I love the effects you use on your photos. -Jessica L

  4. I love this outfit! I totally freaked out my new neighbor taking pictures of myself today. I had the camera pointed between at a brick space between two of their windows. Oops! He'll get used to it, right?

    Ladyface Blog

  5. I love that outfit! Fall hasn't quite hit my area yet, but hopefully it will very soon!!


  6. This is a lovely outfit! Yea the whole taking-outfit-photos-in-public thing takes some getting used to all right!!

