August 5, 2013

Washington Coast Vacation - Part 2

After our ferry ride (check Part 1 of our vacation!) it was a about an hour from our next destination, Hurricane Ridge. This is a gorgeous area located in the Olympic National Park. You drive up a road lined with yellow wild flowers for 17 miles. When you reach the top you are looking at some of the most gorgeous views you can find inWashington. Rolling green hills, evergreen forests and snowcapped mountains all in one view. Does it get much better than that?
So when we got to the top it was time for lunch. We brought left over homemade mac and cheese and we needed a way to heat it up. What did we do about that you ask? Well we put it under the hood of my car. Yep. We did that. It sort of worked, some of it was warm and some was still cold. However it did melt some of the container it was in.
After lunch we hiked up a little trial to the very top to see some more spectacular views. I definitely want to go back to hike the other trails we didnt get to.
Outfit Details 
Shorts, Tank & Sunnies || Forever 21
Chambray Top || Kohls
Shoes || TOMS


  1. That looks like so much fun! Love your outfit!


  2. Aren't your shorts the cutest?? Love it!

    Visiting from the linkup. I'd love it if you can drop by mine and check out my latest post:

  3. Great post, lady.

    Thank you for linking up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx

  4. Wow. How beautiful! I've never been. I love the mountains though, I lived in Colorado for a while and was completely spoiled!
