August 20, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Summer Dresses

We are in the last stages of summer and I thought I had better get at least one more wear out of this dress before it gets put in the back of the closet for fall and winter. The perfect attire for a casual Friday, lounging about the back yard. I wore this dress far less than I should have this summer. Did I even wear it once before this?? I really couldn't tell you. Do I have a reason for that? No. I might just  have to pull it back out in the next couple of weeks and then I will say goodbye.
Outfit Details
Dress || Forever 21
Bracelet || Kohls
Rings || Macys and Forever 21
Be sure to check out the Modcloth giveaway that is going on right now!


  1. Gorgeous maxi dress! My shopping efforts for one still are unsuccessful. I am looking for something like this - so gorgeous :)

    Visiting from the linkup. I'd love for you to come over by blog too and leave your thoughts on my latest post:

  2. That is SUCH a pretty dress! And you look so beautiful!
    I'm doing that with a lot of my dresses-- pulling them out and wearing them before it's too late- although I do it because pretty soon pregnancy means I won't be able to fit into ANYTHING. I'm so disappointed that my winter skirts won't fit me when winter comes.

  3. I hate saying goodbye to summer dresses! I always feel like I never got enough wear out of them. As much as I love fall and layering... summer dresses are just so fun and easy! :)

  4. Fab dress, lady.

    Thank you for linking up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx

  5. This is such a gorgeous maxi dress I love the color!! Looks so lovely on you!
