July 6, 2013

New Blog Design

As you can probably see, I have a new blog design! My old header was just too big and wasn't doing it for me anymore. I needed to change it. So I did and I love it! And yes, that is Bigfoot you see walking across my header. I may or may not have a minor obsession with him and thought he fit perfectly into this. Bear with me the next couple of days as more changes are made, mostly to my "About" and "Contact" pages. What do you think? Do you like it? In case you forgot and wanted to do a little comparison here is what my blog looked like before.


  1. I love it. The social media trees are the cutest :)

  2. Love your layout! And I agree about the trees, they're adorable!

    Following your blog now. Hope you can follow back!

    XOXO ♥ Kia


  3. Love the blog design! Following from the Blog hop!

  4. The new design is awesome!

    Emma H @ www.citylifeattempter.blogspot.com
