July 21, 2013

Exploring my Surroundings and a little Challenge for You

The places that I take outfit pictures, to me, are just as important as the outfit itself. I get inspired by my surroundings. When I am out driving around, I am constantly looking at the scenery and thinking to myself, "This outfit would look good in that field" or "that outfit would look good by that lake." I am always finding places that I wish I could use for my outfit pictures. One of the things I love about having this blog, is it takes me to places I wouldnt normally go. It gets me outside and exploring my surroundings. So I hope with these pictures that I take here, they inspire you to get outside and explore that field behind your house or the little stream that you always drive by on your way home from work. I challenge you to take pictures in a place that you havent taken pictures at before. If you do, leave a link below. I would love to see it for my next little piece of inspiration.
Outfit Details
Dress & Shoes || Target
Jacket || Nordstrom
Bracelets || Kohls and Handmade by my mom
Necklace || Gift from grandparents


  1. This dress is absolutely gorgeous! And your hair is beautiful :) xxx

  2. You're so right our surroundings can and do inspire us. It's so important to look at the places we visit every day. And the outfit looks pretty cute. Hope you have a fantastic day.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  3. Love this dress, you look beautiful


  4. I completely agree - Love the setting you chose for this outfit! Stunning!

  5. Pretty pictures and I love how that jeans jacket looked with the dress!


  6. I adore that dress!! Off to Target I go!


  7. Fabulous outfit and GORGEOUS background. Great pictures! Stopping by from the GFC Collective, and I'd love for you to drop by my blog if you get the chance. Have a fabulous week, lady!

    Diary of a Debutante

  8. This dress is adorable, love your blog! Now following via Bloglovin :)

    xo, Ainslee


  9. Fab dress! The texture looks amazing :)

    So glad to have stumbled onto your blog. Would you like to follow each other via GFC? I'd love to hear from you, be sure to comment when you visit: www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com

  10. Truly, the perfect summer dress!

    Thank you for linking up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx

  11. Hey pretty girl. I love this outfit and the whole vibe you've got going on here. Your surroundings are very beautiful, I love the country.

  12. This outfit is super cute! You have been nominated for the Liebster blog award on my blog!

  13. Do you take your own photos? Do you ever feel awkward? I've gone out a couple of times, but I always feel awkward posing and taking my own photos.

    1. I do take my own photos. Occasionally I will have my boyfriend or parents take them if they are around. January through May, my boyfriend took them just because he was around, but now we live on opposites sides of the state so as of recently my pictures have been me, my camera and a tripod. It was awkward and difficult at first and still is a little but you get used to it and now I love it. I recommend going to places that you know people wont be staring at you. Read this post, http://www.delightfully-tacky.com/2013/08/tips-for-taking-great-self-portraits.html, by Elizabeth from Delightfully Tacky. She has great tips! If you have any more questions, feel free to email me, theprettylovelyblog@gmail.com

    2. Thanks!! I appreciate the link/tip!!
