April 24, 2013

"People will never forget how you made them feel"

So I wasn't going to take pictures yesterday. This jacket is over worn on here. But I just love it. It goes with everything. Anyways, before going to class that was the plan. No pictures. After class the plan changed because of some compliments I received. Thanks guys for the sweet comments after class :) (hopefully you're reading this...) So I had to take pictures. Now when I look back at these pictures, I can be reminded of the sweet things said that day. Guys, let's try and give more compliments. They can really change someones day and make someone feel good. One of my favorite quotes, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou
Outfit Details
Dress, Shoes & Belt || Target
Jacket || Nordstrom
Tights || Old


  1. LOVE that Maya Angelou quote. So true and such great words to live by!! Also, you look adorable, and those boots! Oh, Target. They have the best shoes, always.


  2. Hi! I stumbled over from the Bloglovin' Collective and I'm a new follower. Nice to "meet" you!

    I love the black dress combined with the denim. It's a super cute way to style a denim jacket, so thank you for that idea! :) And your blog colors are SO adorable.

    xx, Paige

  3. Cute jacket! I love how you styled this! New follower from the blog hop :)


  4. oooh I love this location SO much! Following <3 Alex


  5. Love the Maya Angelou quote - I say that all the time!

    Found you through the blog collective - follow back please!

