April 17, 2013

Mom's Weekend

This past weekend was Mom's weekend here at WSU. My mom and grandma both came over for a couple days. Friday we went to the little town of Palouse and did some antique shopping. My teacup collection grew that day :) Palouse is such a cute little town and I will definitely be making the journey back there. It always nice when my mom comes over for these weekends and such a treat when my grandma decides to come too! She always keeps us in suspense about whether or not she is coming and usually doesn't make up her mind until the morning they leave. That's grandma for ya. Thanks guys for coming! See you in 2 weeks for graduation!
Outfit Details
Dress & Tights || Target
Shirt || Walmart
Boots & Necklace || Forever 21


  1. How nice that you got to spend time with both of them :) Love that little yellow dress!

  2. loving the dress! and love antiquing. too fun!


