February 4, 2013

On the Palouse

In eastern Washington, the wind is a constant battle. I mean a CONSTANT battle. One that you will not win if you have hair longer than a buzz cut. That made taking pictures on this particular day very difficult. In probably three quarters of the pictures taken my hair was a big mass in front of my face, completely uncontrollable. On the up side I found this new spot to take pictures while riding the bus home from class one day. These hills go on for miles and miles and make for quite the pretty backdrop.
Outfit details 
Dress, Belt, Tights & Socks || Target
Boots & Sweater || Forever 21


  1. Love the boots! And I totally know what you mean about the wind!!
    Almost Endearing

  2. Your hair looks amazing, despite the wind - I took some outfit photos today and mine was all over the place. I love this outfit, that dress is such a beautiful colour on you. Just found you through the Totally Awesome Blog Hop xo

  3. Windy or not, your hair looks gorgeous! Such a gorgeous place to take outfit photos! Jealous over here... There's no hills anywhere near where I live. Just humid, flat, old Florida... Bleh!

  4. So pretty! I love that dress, and your hair! The whole outfit really! Too cute :)


  5. Such a cute outfit! Where I live the wind is constantly blowing. If I ever try to just wear my hair down it's a guaranty that it is going to get all tangled up.

  6. These pictures are so much fun! And you are gorgeous girl! :)
    xo TJ

  7. I'm sorry about the strong wind. But your hair looks amazing.

    Found your blog via blog hop.

  8. You are right, that backdrop is amazing! So gorgeous. Your hair is absolutely stunning! Such gorgeous curls!


  9. okay...and then i stumbled on this post....

    i am from pullman! and i now live in bellingham! love this!
